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Continue Shopping100% WHEY ISOLATE PROTEIN
A 100% comprised of the more pure and faster digesting whey protein isolate, TOTAL ISO™ is the true athlete’s protein. TOTAL ISO™ is perfect for any athlete or any individual who is conscious about what goes in their body and wants a clean, high quality protein powder to supplement their protein intake.
Truth is, most protein powders contain just a lower quality whey protein concentrate. Or, they hide behind a blend that features trace amounts of isolate protein. Why?
Cost & taste.
Setting The Quality & Taste Standard Most brands opt for lower quality whey protein concentrate since it’s easier to flavor and it’s cheaper. Whey protein concentrate only contains about 80% protein by weight, and also contains additional calories, grams of fat and carbs.
With TOTAL ISO™, we wanted consumers to have the best of both worlds: High quality protein AND great taste.
After months of R&D, our team was able to combine an ultra-pure 90% protein content whey protein isolate with incredible flavoring that has fans looking forward to their next scoop.
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